Sunday, September 26, 2021

Maternity Leave to Married Women Government Servants



LEAVE RULES: - Recommendations of PRC 2010 - Maternity Leave to Married Women Government Servants - Enhancement from 120 days to 180 days – Orders – Issued.


F I N A N C E (FR.I) D E P A R T M E N T

G.O.Ms.No. 152 Date:04. 05. 2010.

 Read the following:-

1. G.O.Ms.No. 384, Fin, & Plng. (FW: FR.I) Dept. dt. 5.11.1977.

2. G.O.Ms.No. 219, Fin, & Plng. (FW: FR.I) Dept. dt. 25.6.1984.

3. G.O.Ms.No. 38, Fin, & Plng. (FW: FR.I) Dept. dt. 18.03.1992.

4. G.O.Ms.No. 254, Fin, & Plng. (FW: FR.I) Dept. dt. 10.11.1995.

5. G.O.Ms.No. 438, G.A. (Spl. A) Department, dated: 07.07.2008.

6. G.O.Ms.No. 598, G.A. (Spl. A) Department, dated: 26.11.2009.



 In the Government Order 5th read above, orders were issued constituting Ninth Pay Revision Commission and Government appointed Sri. C.S. Rao, IAS, (Retd) as Pay Revision Commissioner. In the Government Order 6th read above, the terms of reference of the Pay Revision Commissioner were laid down.

2. The Ninth Pay Revision Commission submitted its report to the Government on 05.12.2009 and recommended, inter alia, that, “The Commission therefore recommends grant of Maternity leave to the married women employees of the State up to 180 days on par with the employees of Government of India subject to the condition that the same would be available up to 2 surviving children only”.

3. In the Government orders 1st and 2nd read above, orders are issued to the effect that married female Government servants, temporary or permanent, shall be granted maternity Leave for a period of 90 days. In the Government Order 3rd read above, orders were issued that the Maternity Leave to the married female Government servants shall be granted to those with less than two surviving children. In the Government orders 4th read above, orders were issued enhancing the maternity leave to the married female Government servants, temporary or permanent, from 90 days to 120 days. 

4. The 9th PRC in their report observed that, the Government of India earlier issued orders enhancing the Maternity Leave to135 days and it was further enhanced to 180 days based on the recommendations of 6th CPC. The Employees Associations have requested to extend the same to the Women employees working in the State Government also. PRC 2005 did not recommend the extension of this leave from 120 to 135 days on the ground that a period of 120 days is considered adequate and since paternity leave is also recommended. The recommendation of 6th CPC up to 180 days was based on the guidelines of Ministry of H & FW which recommends nursing of children up to the age of 6 months.

 Hence, the Commission recommends grant of Maternity leave to the married women employees of the State up to 180 days on par with the employees of Government of India subject to the condition that the same would be available up to 2 surviving children only.

5. After careful consideration of the report, Government decided to accept the recommendations of the Pay Revision Commissioner and hereby order that the grant maternity leave on full pay to married women employees of State Government is enhanced from 120 days to 180 days on par with the employees of the Govt. of India subject to the condition that it shall be granted to those with less than two surviving children only.

6. These orders shall come into force with immediate effect. Those who are availing Maternity Leave of 120 days as on the date of issue of G.O may continue till they complete 180 days of Maternity Leave. Those who have already completed 120 days of Maternity Leave and still continuing on other type of leave are not eligible to avail this benefit. The employees who have already availed 120 days of Maternity Leave and joined duty are also not eligible to avail this benefit.

7. The G.O is available on Internet and can be accessed at the address and




 à°ª్à°°à°¸ూà°¤ి à°¸ెలవు : (à°®ెà°Ÿà°°్à°¨ిà°Ÿీà°²ీà°µు) (F.R.101(a)) (GO Ms.No.152, Fin.dt. 04.05.2010)

* à°µిà°µాà°¹ిà°¤ మహిà°³ా ఉద్à°¯ోà°—ులకు 180 à°°ోà°œుà°²ు à°ª్à°°à°¸ూà°¤ి à°¸ెలవు à°®ంà°œూà°°ు à°šేà°¸్à°¤ాà°°ు.

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* à°µేసవిà°²ో à°ª్రసవిà°¸్à°¤ే à°ª్రసవం à°¤ేà°¦ీ à°¨ుంà°¡ి 180 à°°ోà°œుà°²ు à°ª్à°°à°¸ూà°¤ి à°¸ెలవు à°µాà°¡ుà°•ోవచ్à°šు.

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* à°¶ిà°¶ుà°µు à°²ేà°¦ా తల్à°²ి ఆరోà°—్à°¯ పరిà°¸్à°¥ిà°¤ిà°¨ి బట్à°Ÿి à°µైà°¦్à°¯ à°§ృవపత్à°°ం ఆధాà°°ంà°—ా ఇతర à°¸ెలవులను à°ª్à°°à°¸ూà°¤ి à°¸ెలవుà°•ు (à°®ుంà°¦ు à°²ేà°¦ా à°µెà°¨ుà°•) à°•à°²ిà°ªి à°µాà°¡ుà°•ోవచ్à°šు.

* à°®ృà°¤ à°¶ిà°¶ుà°µుà°¨ు à°ª్రసవింà°šిà°¨ా à°²ేà°¦ా à°ª్రసవం à°…à°¨ంతరం à°¶ిà°¶ుà°µు మరణింà°šిà°¨ా à°ª్à°°à°¸ూà°¤ి à°¸ెలవు à°µిà°¨ిà°¯ోà°—ింà°šు à°•ోవచ్à°šుà°¨ు. (DSE LDs No. 1941/G2/90, Dt: 11.06.1990 à°…à°¦ 23 à°ªేà°œి 140

* à°œి.à°“. 152 ఆర్à°§ిà°•, à°¤ేà°¦ి. 04.05.2010à°²ోà°¨ి 4à°µ à°ªేà°°ాà°²ో The recommendation of 6th CPC upto 180 days was based on the guidelines of Ministry of H & FW the commission recommends nursing of children up to the age of 6 months à°…à°¨ే à°µాà°•్à°¯ం à°‰ంà°¡à°Ÿం వల్à°² à°•ాà°¨్à°ªు à°¤ేà°¦ీ à°¨ుంà°¡ే à°ª్à°°à°¸ూà°¤ి à°¸ెలవు ఇస్à°¤ామని à°•ొందరు à°…à°§ిà°•ాà°°ుà°²ు à°…ంà°Ÿుà°¨్à°¨ాà°°ు. ఇది సమంజసం à°•ాà°¦ు. à°Žంà°¦ుà°•ంà°Ÿే à°•ేంà°¦్à°° à°ª్à°°à°­ుà°¤్à°µ ఉద్à°¯ోà°—ులకు 6 à°µాà°°ాà°² à°®ుంà°¦ు à°¨ుంà°¡ి à°ª్à°°à°¸ూà°¤ి à°¸ెలవు à°µిà°¨ిà°¯ోà°—ింà°šుà°•ొà°¨ే à°¸ౌà°•à°°్à°¯ం ఉన్నది.

 à°…à°¬ాà°°్à°·à°¨్ à°¸ెలవు : (M.T.P Leave) (G.O.Ms.No.291 dt. 13-8-85. GOMs.No.762 dt.11-8-1976)

à°šà°Ÿ్టబద్ధగర్à°­à°¸్à°°ావము à°²ేà°• à°…à°ª్రయత్నగర్à°­à°¸్à°°ావము జరిà°—ిà°¨ à°¸ందర్à°­ంà°²ో à°®ంà°œూà°°ు à°šేయబడుà°¤ుంà°¦ి. à°µైà°¦్à°¯ాà°§ిà°•ాà°°ి à°§ృవపత్à°°ం ఆధాà°°ంà°—ా 6 à°µాà°°ాలకు à°®ింà°šà°•ుంà°¡ా à°®ంà°œూà°°ు à°šేయబడుà°¤ుంà°¦ి. ఇద్దరు à°ªిà°²్లలు à°•à°²ిà°—ి à°‰ంà°¡ేంతవరకు à°Žà°¨్à°¨ిà°¸ాà°°్à°²ైà°¨ా à°µిà°¨ిà°¯ోà°—ింà°šుà°•ోవచ్à°šు.

à°ªిà°¤ృà°¤్వపు à°¸ెలవు: (Paternity Leave) (GOMsNo.231, Finance, dt.16-9-2005) 

సజీవమైà°¨ ఇద్దరు à°ªిà°²్లల వరకు à°­ాà°°్à°¯ à°ª్రసవింà°šిà°¨ à°¸ందర్à°­ంà°²ో à°µిà°µాà°¹ిà°¤ుà°²ైà°¨ à°ªుà°°ుà°· ఉద్à°¯ోà°—ిà°•ి 15 à°°ోà°œుà°² à°ªిà°¤ృà°¤్వపు à°¸ెలవు à°®ంà°œూà°°ు à°šేయబడుà°¤ుంà°¦ి. 

à°ˆ à°¸ెలవుà°¨ు à°­ాà°°్à°¯ à°ª్రసవింà°šà°¡ాà°¨ిà°•ి 15 à°°ోà°œుà°² à°®ుంà°¦ు à°¨ుంà°¡ి à°ª్రసవింà°šిà°¨ తదుపరి 6 à°¨ెలలలోà°ªు à°Žà°ª్à°ªుà°¡ైà°¨ా à°µిà°¨ిà°¯ోà°—ింà°šుà°•ోవచ్à°šు. (ఆర్à°¥ిà°• à°¶ాà°– à°®ెà°®ో 20129-à°¸ి/454/à°Žà°«్à°¤ాà°°్ 1/2010, à°¤ేà°¦ి 21.07.2010)


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