Sub:- SE-SSC -2021 Examinations- FA1 and FA2 Marks Entry- Correction of certain mistakes occurred while entering the marks in CSE Website Constitution of Committee- Orders-issued.
1. Lr.Rc.No.Spl/ITCell/2021 Dt.05.07.2021 of the DEO, Guntur
2. Lr. Dt.18.07.2021 of the Head Master, Afatus EM School, Ananthapuramu.
3. Certain mails received from the DEOs and HMs
Certain grievances from the students are coming to this ofce that their FA1 and FA2 marks were either entered wrongly in the CSE Website by oversight or not entered at all. For instance, in Afatus EM School, Ananthapuramu, one child marks were entered to another child vice versa.
Further, instances are also coming to the notice of the Director, School Education that some of the child ids are in Drop out list/ TC issued. Even though the Concerned Head Masters have paid the SSC Fee and also submitted the Nominal Roll of the Child, their marks were not entered due to child ids are in Drop out list/ TC issued list.
Hence there is a need to examine these problems in detail and also critically. After careful examination of the matter, the DSE is hereby constitutes a committee with the following members for verification of the grievance received from the DEOs as well as from Head Masters in the state regarding entering of FA1 and FA2 marks in the CSE Site
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