Automatic Advancement Scheme-Allowing SPP-II Scale (Second level promotion)to the category-III Teachers who crossed 50 Years of age-certain Clarification
Memo.No.034408/248/PC.II/2011 Dt.04-02-2012
Sub:- RPS
2010-Automatic Advancement Scheme-Allowing SPP-II Scale (Second level
promotion)to the category-III Teachers who crossed 50 Years of age-certain
Clarification - Reg
Ref:- 1.DTA
AP Hyd Lr.No.M1/12101/dt 02-12-2012 Along with the copy of Lr.No.even dt.04-08-2010
Lr.No.278/2011 dt.23/12/2011 from the
president A.P.United teachers Fedaration.
Lr.No.STU/388/2011 Dt26.12.2011 from
secretary State Teachers Union,AP,HYd.
The attention of the Director of Treasures
and Accounts is invited to the references cited and he is informed that in
response to his earlier Lr.No.M1/3309/2008.dt.06/01/2009,Govt in finance (PC-
II)department has issued a clarification on the orders of G.O.Ms.No.95
Education (services –I) department dt.27.05/2005 with regard to second exemption
on completion of 50 years of age to the teachers vide
Memo.No.21073/193/PC-II/2009 Finance (PC-II) department dt.21/02/2009.The sub
rule(4) of Rule10 of A.P.School Education service rules issued in G.O.Ms.No.95
Education dt.27/05/2005 states that the candidates who were appointed as
teachers by direct recruitment on attaining the age of 50 years shall be exempted
from passing the departmental test referred to in sub-rule(1)for the purpose of
promotion and not for Automatic Advancement Scheme. Hence, the exemption of
departmental tests is applicable to Secondary Grade Teachers,School Assistants
etc… who are selected by direct recruitment and gets initial appointment after
50 years of age .This provision is applicable to the employees whose intial
appointment is after 50 years of age .Therefore, the question of exempting the
teachers who are recruited before attaining the age of 50 years for the purpose
of appointing them to the Special Promotion Post Scale-II under Automatic
Advancement Scheme does not arise.
There fore the claims preferred in SPP-II
scale without acquiring prescribed qualification for the next promotion post to the 1st level
promotion post to the original post in respect of the teachers on the ground
that they have got 2nd exemption on attaining the age of 50 years is not in
accordance with the rules laid down for SPP-II scale under Automatic
Advancement Scheme.
It is once again reiterated that no change
/no deviation has taken place after issue of instruction in Memo.No.21073/193/PC-II/2009
Finance(PC-II) department dt.21/02/2009 read with G.O.Ms.No.93(Finance
PC-II)department dt.03/04/2010 and G.O.Ms.No.96 finance(PC-II) department dated
20.05.2011 and Memo.No. 23400/A163/PC-II/2011 Finance dt.09/10/2011.Therefore
orders/instructions issued in Govt.Memo.No. 21073/193/PC-II/2009 Finance
dt.21/02/2009 are in accordance with the rules and contents of G.O.Ms.No.95
Education (services-I) department dt.27/05/2005.
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