Wednesday, August 11, 2021

Proposal for enhancement of age of superannuation upto 60 years to the Contract / Part Time Junior Lecturers working in Govt. Junior Colleges in the State - Deferred.


Memo No.424687/IE/A1/2018 Dated:09/93/2021

Sub: IE- Proposal for enhancement of age of superannuation upto 60 years to the Contract / Part Time Junior Lecturers working in Govt. Junior Colleges in the State - Deferred.

Ref: 1. From the CIE, AP, Guntur, Letter Rc.No.Ser.II 2/9035/2015, dated:22-03-2018.

2. Govt.Memo 9291/1E/A1/2015, dated: 22.02.2016.

3. Govt.Memo No.1290385/IE/A1/2018, dated:29-6 2018, 13-02-2019 and 21-02-2019.

4. From the Spl.CIE, A.P., Guntur Letter Rc.No.Ser.11 2/2349222/2019, dated: 24.02.2020 -000

The attention of the Special Commissioner of Intermediate Education, A.P., is invited to the references cited and he is informed that the proposal for enhancement of age of superannuation upto 60 years to the Contract/ Part Time Junior Lecturers working in Govt. Junior Colleges in the State is deferred.

2. This Memo issues with the concurrence of the Finance(HR.1-Plg & Policy Department vide their U.O.No.HROPOPP(OCE)/29/2020 dated 01-03 2021(Computer No.1245482) 

B Rajsekhar IAS

Principal Secretary to Government


The Special Commissioner of Intermediate Education, A.P., Guntur

// Forwarded: By Order //


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