Financial Management – Schedule for the Presentation of bills under various programmes and schemes to the Treasuries and PAO Offices in the State – Instructions - Issued.
G.O.RT.No. 1512 Dated: 01-06-2020.
Read the following:
1. G.O.Ms.No.62 FIN (CASH MANAGEMENT) Dept., dated 16.04.2016.
2. Cir.No.11 Dt.08.05.2018 issued by the CFMS, Finance (IT) Department.
O R D E R:
In the reference 1st read above, orders were issued fixing the schedule for submission of bills by the DDOs to the Treasuries / Pay and Accounts Office / Works Accounts Offices.
2.During the course of operationalization of Phase-I of CFMS, in the reference 2nd read above, instructions were issued, inter-alia, that the schedule for presentation & payment of various bills as prescribed in the reference 1st cited and amendments thereon, is kept on hold until further orders, i.e., there is no restriction on the dates for presentation of the bills by the DDOs to the Treasury / PAO for payment.
3.The Phase-I of CFMS has since stabilized during the last (2) years, and during the review of the implementation with the DTA & PAO and all the concerned stakeholders, it is observed that the unregulated presentation of bills has impacted the quality of bill submission, quality of audit & also estimation and management of the outflows of funds, besides creating uneven load on CFMS system resources.
4.Duly considering the above and in order to further streamline and optimize the functioning of the State Public Financial Management system and to ensure proper scheduling and efficiency, and prioritization of State Flagship and CSS schemes, it is decided to re-introduce the schedule for bills presentation by the DDOs under various Schemes and Programmes.
5.Accordingly, in modification of the instructions issued in the reference 2nd cited, the Government hereby issue the following instructions on the scheme of schedule for presentation of bills to the Treasuries & Pay and Accounts Offices in the State, as indicated with effect from the month of July 2020.
6.The Citizen charter hereby stands revised according to this schedule. If the last day for submission of bills / Payment happens to be a holiday the same will be done on the following working day. All the Drawing and Disbursing Officers are requested to follow the above schedule of dates for submission of bills to the Treasuries / Pay and Accounts Office. The Director of Treasuries and Accounts / Pay and Accounts Officer shall issue the internal guidelines to their subordinate officers for passing the presented bills within a stipulated timeframe.
7.The Director of Treasuries and Accounts / Pay Accounts Officer are requested to issue necessary instructions to their subordinate officers and disseminate the schedule amongst all DDOs and place the information on the notice board of Collectorate / Tahsil Office and Mandal Development Office and the Offices of DTOs / STOs / PAOs, etc. The Chief Executive Officer, AP Centre for Financial Systems and Services is instructed to implement the systematic filters accordingly.
8.The schedule regarding payment will be subject to the exigencies of ways and means situation of the State.
9.All the concerned Drawing & Disbursing Officers are instructed to adhere to the schedule strictly.
G.O.RT.No. 1512 Dated: 01-06-2020.
Read the following:
1. G.O.Ms.No.62 FIN (CASH MANAGEMENT) Dept., dated 16.04.2016.
2. Cir.No.11 Dt.08.05.2018 issued by the CFMS, Finance (IT) Department.
O R D E R:
In the reference 1st read above, orders were issued fixing the schedule for submission of bills by the DDOs to the Treasuries / Pay and Accounts Office / Works Accounts Offices.
2.During the course of operationalization of Phase-I of CFMS, in the reference 2nd read above, instructions were issued, inter-alia, that the schedule for presentation & payment of various bills as prescribed in the reference 1st cited and amendments thereon, is kept on hold until further orders, i.e., there is no restriction on the dates for presentation of the bills by the DDOs to the Treasury / PAO for payment.
3.The Phase-I of CFMS has since stabilized during the last (2) years, and during the review of the implementation with the DTA & PAO and all the concerned stakeholders, it is observed that the unregulated presentation of bills has impacted the quality of bill submission, quality of audit & also estimation and management of the outflows of funds, besides creating uneven load on CFMS system resources.
4.Duly considering the above and in order to further streamline and optimize the functioning of the State Public Financial Management system and to ensure proper scheduling and efficiency, and prioritization of State Flagship and CSS schemes, it is decided to re-introduce the schedule for bills presentation by the DDOs under various Schemes and Programmes.
5.Accordingly, in modification of the instructions issued in the reference 2nd cited, the Government hereby issue the following instructions on the scheme of schedule for presentation of bills to the Treasuries & Pay and Accounts Offices in the State, as indicated with effect from the month of July 2020.
Sl. No. |
Particulars of bills | Schedule for submission of bills to Treasuries & PAO |
1. |
Bills pertaining to Raj Bhavan, High Court, Decretal Charges, Legal Charges, Loan, Annuity and Interest payments, Election related Expenses, Exams related expenses, Protocol Expenses, Obsequies charges, Natural Calamities TR-27, AC bills, Medical Advances, First payment to Pensioners. |
Throughout the month |
2. |
Supplementary salary bills, all types of arrear bills, Honorarium, Wages etc., includes Salaries payment through PD Account & Scholarships and Stipends of all Welfare Departments. |
06 - 10 of the month |
3. | All Budget related bills, GPF, Loans and Advances of employees and PD A/c Payments other than salaries. |
11 – 15 of the month |
4. |
Regular Pensions, GIS , FBF, Regular salary bills, Wages, Work Charged Establishment, Professional Services, Other Contractual Services, Grants-in-Aid towards salaries, Payments to Home Guards, Payments to Anganwadi Workers and Honorarium to VRAs, all Regular Salary related items including salary payments through PD A/c, Social Security Pensions and Subsidies of Rice, Power etc. and all other bills not covered above |
16 – 25 of the month |
6.The Citizen charter hereby stands revised according to this schedule. If the last day for submission of bills / Payment happens to be a holiday the same will be done on the following working day. All the Drawing and Disbursing Officers are requested to follow the above schedule of dates for submission of bills to the Treasuries / Pay and Accounts Office. The Director of Treasuries and Accounts / Pay and Accounts Officer shall issue the internal guidelines to their subordinate officers for passing the presented bills within a stipulated timeframe.
7.The Director of Treasuries and Accounts / Pay Accounts Officer are requested to issue necessary instructions to their subordinate officers and disseminate the schedule amongst all DDOs and place the information on the notice board of Collectorate / Tahsil Office and Mandal Development Office and the Offices of DTOs / STOs / PAOs, etc. The Chief Executive Officer, AP Centre for Financial Systems and Services is instructed to implement the systematic filters accordingly.
8.The schedule regarding payment will be subject to the exigencies of ways and means situation of the State.
9.All the concerned Drawing & Disbursing Officers are instructed to adhere to the schedule strictly.
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