Wednesday, August 14, 2019



File No.ESE02-27021/115/2019-MDM -CSE
Rc.No. ESE02-27021/115/2019-MDM-CSE Dt.12/08/2019

Sub : School Education - Implementation of Mid-Day Meals Scheme in the State -Necessary instructions and guidelines issued - Regarding.


1. Proceedings Rc.No.124/MDM/2018, date:02-08-2018 of the CSE

2. Hon'ble Chief Minister review of School Edu.& MDM program dated 31.5.2019, 29.7.2019

3. Hon'ble Minister for Education review of Mid Day Meal program dated 22.6.2019

4. Dr.PV Ramesh IAS, Sp.Chief Secretary to Hon'ble CM review of School Education & Mid Day Meal program dated 23.7.2019

 5. Hon'ble Chief Minister review of School Edu.& MDM program dated 29.7.2019

All the Regional Joint Directors and the District Educational Officers in the State are aware that the Mid-Day Meal programme is a flagship programme aiming at enhancing enrolment, retention, attendance and simultaneously improving nutritional levels among children studying in Government, Local. Body and Government -Aided primary upper primary AP (schools and the Centres run under education guarantee scheme (EGS)/ (AIE) & NCLP schools. With an am to improve quality, hygiene in cooking and serving of Mid Day Meal, Government partners with NGOs and Charitable Trusts for setting up centralized kitchens. Government is committed to further improving nutrition value, quality and hygiene in MDM cooking and delivery. In this context, they are informed that at the time of field visits/ inspection it is observed that there is a need to provide detailed guidelines on the following:

1. Kitchen Protocols to be Maintained at Centralized Kitchens and School Based Kitchens.

2. Hygienic conditions to be maintained at cooking and serving areas by the Cook-cum-Helpers.

3. Involvement of School Management and teachers under MDM.

4. Inspections and visits to be made by the field officers.

5. Checking the quality and quantity of food being served to the children.

6. Procurement and utilization of eggs and other ingredients in preparation of MDM.

7. Precautions to be taken in storage of raw materials and ingredients.

8. The payment of cooking cost and honorarium bills as per schedule.

Therefore, a comprehensive set of guidelines to be followed in implementation of the Mid-Day Meal scheme are provided herewith. The RJDSEs/ DEOs are requested to read the Guidelines carefully and disseminate the same to all the field functionaries/ school Head Masters with proper instructions immediately with out fail. Encl:- Guidelines


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