VCR TRAINING on 04-07-2019.
Kurnool Division 39 schools, Adoni division 21 schools 9.00 AM TO 1.00 PM and
Dhone division.30 schools, Nandyal division 24 schools 1.30 PM TO 5.30 PM.
The Head Masters as shown in the annexure appended
to these proceedings are hereby directed to attend the One Day Orientation
Training Programme along with 01 Teacher of their respective institutions at
District Level as shown above on the above date and time without fail. No
exemption will be given to any school. The receipt of these proceedings along
with enclosures should be acknowledged.
VCR TRAINING on 04-07-2019.
Kurnool Division 39 schools, Adoni division 21 schools 9.00 AM TO 1.00 PM and
Dhone division.30 schools, Nandyal division 24 schools 1.30 PM TO 5.30 PM.
Sub: Secondary Education — RMSA — Kurnool District — One Day
Orientation Training Programme on utilization of VCR Infra to the Head Masters,
Teachers District Level — Orders — Issued — Regarding. Ref: Virtual Class Room
Dash Board usage report.
It is informed that Virtual Class Rooms Project is a
prestigious project of Government and CSE Madam very ardent in implementation
and utilization of Virtual Class Rooms. Further, on substantiating the reports
it is learnt that most of the schools in the district are not using the Virtual
Class Room properly and observed very poor usage with several reasons.
In pursuance of the reference read above, it is decided to
conduct One Day Orientation Training Programme on utilization of VCR Infra to
the Head Masters, one Teacher in VCR Schools on -06-2019 from 9.00 AM to 1.00
PM and 02.00 PM TO 5.30 PM in two spells Division Wise at District Level at
Virtual Class Room Studio at ZPHS, Kallur on usage of Virtual Class Rooms etc.,
The details are as follows:
Kurnool (39 Schools) and Adoni (21 Schools) Divisions:
Morning 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM Rhone (30 Schools) and Nandyal (24 Schools)
Divisions: Afternoon 1:30 PM to 5:30 PM VENUE: VIRTUAL CLASS ROOM STUDIO, ZPHS
KALLUR DATE: 4-07-2019.
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