AP Ward Secretariat (Sachivalayam) Jobs: Vacancies list, Eligibility and Important Dates
Important Dates:
- Issue of Notification for Village Secretariats: 27th July 2019
- Online Applications Starts from 27th July 2019, 11 AM
- Last Date for Online Applications 10th August 2019, 11.59 PM
- Examination Date: 1st September 2019
NOTIFICATIONS(ఉద్à°¯ోà°— à°ª్రకటనలు)
Ward Sachivalayam(Urban) (Advt no. 01 to 06/2019) | ||||
1 | Ward Administrative Secretary | 3307 | Any Degree www.learnerhub.in | Click Here |
2 | Ward Amenities Secretary (Grade-II) | 3601 | Polytechnic Diploma (Civil/ Mechanical Engineering or above) | Click Here |
3 | Ward Sanitation & Environment Secretary (Grade-II) | 3648 | Any Degree (Sciences or Environmental Engineering & above) | Click Here |
4 | Ward Education & Data Processing Secretary | 3786 | Any Degree (Computer Science) | Click Here |
5 | Ward Planning & Regulation Secretary (Grade-II) | 3770 | Polytechnic Diploma (Civil)/ L.A.A or B.Arch/ B.Plng or above | Click Here |
6 | Ward Welfare & Development secretary (Grade-II) | 3786 | Degree (Arts, Humanities and above) | Click Here |
STEP-2 SUBMIT ONLINE APPLICATION (ఆన్ à°²ైà°¨్ దరఖాà°¸్à°¤ు నమోà°¦ు)
STEP-3 PAYMENT (à°šెà°²్à°²ింà°ªుà°²ు)
GOs/CIRCULARS (à°œీà°µోà°²ు/సర్à°•్à°¯ులర్à°²ు)
Help Line Numbers
For Technical Queries
CELL NO: 9121148061, 9121148062, 9121148063
Posts Under Category - I
(Common Examination with preference)
1. Panchayat Secretary (Grade-V)
2. Mahila Police and Women & Child Welfare Assistant (Female)
3. Welfare & Education Assistant
4. Ward Administrative Secretary
5. Ward Women & Weaker Sections Protection Secretary (Female)
Posts Under Category - II
Group - A
(Common Examination with preference)
1. Engineering Assistant (Grade-II)
2. Ward Amenities Secretary (Grade-II)
Group - B
(Common Examination)
1. Village Revenue Officer (Grade-II)
2. Village Surveyer (Grade-III)
Posts Under Category - III
(Separate Exam For Each Post)
1. Village Agriculture Assistant (Grade-II)
2. Village Horticulture Assistant
3. Village Fisheries Assistant
4. Panchayat Secretary (Grade-VI) Digital Assistant
5. Ward Sanitation & Environment Secretary (Grade-II)
7. Animal Husbandry Assistant
8. ANM/Ward Health Secretary (Grade-III) (Female)6. Ward Planning & Regulation Secretary (Grade-II)
9. Ward Education & Data Processing Secretary
WARD SACHIVALAYAM POSTS:1.Recruitment for the Post of Ward Administrative Secretary
2.Recruitment for the Post of Ward Amenities Secretary (Grade-II)
3.Recruitment for the Post of Ward Sanitation & Environment Secretary (Grade-II)
4.Recruitment for the Post of Ward Education & Data Processing Secretary
5.Recruitment for the Post of Ward Planning & Regulation Secretary (Grade-II)
6.Recruitment for the Post of Ward welfare & Development secretary (Grade-II)
Paste the Photo on any white paper and Sign below(sign in BLACK INK only). Ensure that the signature is within the box. Scan the required size containing photograph and signature. Please do not scan the complete page.
The entire image consisting of the photo along with the signature is required to be scanned and stored in *.jpg format on local machine. Ensure that the size of the scanned image is not more than 50kb.If the size of the file is more than 50kb, then adjust the settings of the scanner such as the dpi resolution, no. of colours etc., during the process of scanning.
One Time Profile Registration s with no photo/ unclear photo/ inadequate size photograph will not be accepted. Hall-Ticket will not be issued to such candidates. Hence, after pressing the 'UPLOAD' button below check if the photo is of required size, clear and is of the same candidate of whom the details are to be filled in the One Time Profile Registration . If the photo is smaller in size, not clear or does not belong to the candidate press 'BACK' button below the photograph on the One Time Profile Registration form and restart with scanning of the photograph.
Complaints relating to mismatch of photograph and candidate details will not be accepted after submitting of One Time Profile Registration at any cost.
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