Tuesday, December 18, 2018

Municipal Schools – Transfers and posting of Teachers working in all the Urban Local Bodies-G.O.Rt.No.507

Municipal Schools – Transfers and posting of Teachers working in all the Urban Local Bodies in the state on request within the district – Certain amendments to G.O.Rt.No.507

MA&UD Dept. – Municipal Schools – Transfers and posting of Teachers working in    all the Urban Local Bodies in the state on request within the district – Certain amendments to G.O.Rt.No.507, Municipal Administration & Urban  Development  (D1) Dept., Dated 16/05/2018 – Orders – Issued.

G.O.Rt.No.1137                                                                                                      Dated:18.12.2018

Read the following:-

1. G.O.Rt.No.507, Municipal Administration & Urban  Development  (D1) Dept., Dated 16/05/2018.
2. From the Director of Municipal Administration, A.P., Guntur, Lr.Roc.No.11021/31/2018 (3396/2017/J3), Dated:29/06/2018 & 27.09.2018.
3. Govt. Memo.No.C-533183/D1/2018, Dated 06.08.2018 &19/09/2018.

The Government have issued certain guidelines / instructions for  transfers  and postings to various categories of Teachers working in  the  Municipal Management Schools for effecting General Transfers–2018 within the District (Phase-II) vide reference 1st read above.

2. In the reference 2nd read above, the Director of Municipal Administration, A.P., Guntur has stated, among others, that certain Teacher Unions and certain Teachers have raised certain issues regarding Municipal Teachers Transfers 2018  and requested to sort out the issues and accordingly vide reference 2nd read above, the Director of Municipal Administration has proposed certain amendments to the G.O.Ms.No.507 MA&UD (D1) Dept., dt.16.05.2018 which is required for smooth conduct of Municipal Teachers General Transfers–2018, as instructed vide Govt. Memo. in the reference 3rd read above.

3. After careful examination of the matter, the Government hereby issues the following amendments to G.O.Rt.No.507, Municipal Administration & Urban Development (D1) Dept., Dated 16/05/2018, as proposed by the DMA, AP, Guntur:-

Sl.No. Existing guidelines as per G.O.Ms.No.507, Dated 16/05/2018 Amendment
1. Para No.2 (B) (1) of the said
G.O. reads as;

Those teachers who have completed 8 years of continuous service in a particular  school  and
the Head Masters Gr.II who have
Para No.2 (B) (1) of the said G.O. is substituted as –

Those teachers who are willing for transfer shall apply transfer within the     Revenue     District    (i.e.Unit
Municipalities       &      Corporations

completed 5 years of continuous service in a particular school, as on 30.04.2018 shall be
compulsorily transferred
separately) as per Service Rules.
2. Para No.2 (B) (3) of the said
G.O. reads as;

Grade-II  Head-Masters  / Teachers who have completed a minimum period of  three  years of service in a particular School
as on 30.04.2018 shall be eligible to apply for transfer.
Para No.2 (B) (3) of the said G.O. is substituted as –

Grade-II Head-Masters / Teachers who have completed a minimum period of two years of service in a particular School as on 30.06.2018
shall be eligible to apply  for transfer.
3. Para No.2 (B) (4) of the said
G.O reads as;
Para No.2 (B) (4) of the said G.O is substituted as –
- The Teachers who have completed 8 years of service in the present school and  working as NCC Officer should be posted  in the vacancy in a school where there is NCC Unit. If there is no vacancy they may be posted in a school where there is no NCC Unit, so that NCC Teacher may
open new NCC unit in that  School.
- The Teachers who are working as NCC Officer / Bharat Scouts and Guides Officer should be posted in the vacancy in a school where there is same Unit.
4. Para      No.2

Entitlement Points

One (1) Point per every     year     of completed service.
Para No. 2 (B) Entitlement
(B) (6) (i) of (6)   (i)   of   the Points      Zero
the said G.O. said      G.O.      is point         Five
reads as; substituted as (0.5)
Item Item Point per every
year               of
·         For the service in For the Service rendered –   0.5 completed service.
the points for every
present year                of
school (as completed
on service    in   the
30.04.201 total service in
8) all      categories as on 30th April
Note    :     for
maximum     8
years           of service    @   8
of   the   year  in
which  transfers
are to be taken up.
points          in
respect        of
teachers    and
HMs   of   High

Schools,      as the case may
5. Para      No.2
(B)   (6)  (vi)
of    the    said
G.O.       reads as;


Entitlement Points
Para No. 2 (B)
(6) (i) of  the said G.O. is substituted as


Entitlement Points

Zero Points

Working as NCC officer, if they have completed    8
years           of service  in  the
Three (3) Points
Working as NCC officer, if they have completed 8 years of  service in the schools
6. Para No. 2 (B) (8) (c) of the said G.O. reads as; Para No. 2 (B) (8) (c) of the said
G.O. is substituted as –
- Legally separated women (certificate to be produced – Issued by Court) - Legally separated women (certificate to be produced – Issued by Court/ Govt.Qazi as per
Muslim Personal Law, as the case may be).
7. Para No. 2 (B) (9) (ii) & (iii)
of the said G.O. reads as;
Para No. 2 (B) (9) (ii) & (iii) of the said G.O. is substituted as –
(ii) Consequential vacancies arising due to compulsory transfers (completion of 5/8 years). (ii)   Consequential vacancies arising during counseling.

(iii)      Resultant    vacancies    arising during counseling.
(iii) Resultant vacancies arising during counseling in case of teachers, who have not
completed compulsory period 5/8 years, shall be notified.
8. Para No. 2 (B) (11) (d) of the said G.O. reads as; Para No. 2 (B) (11) (d) of  the said G.O. is deleted and serial order
to be continued.
- If any Head-Master Gr.II or Teacher who is compulsorily transferrable on  completion  of 5/8 years of service, as the case may be, does not apply or having applied does not attend the counseling,  in  such  case, he/she
will be transferred, to the  available   left   over   vacancies in

the Municipality or Corporation.
9. Para No. 2 (B) (13) (b) of the said G.O. reads as;

-In absentia orders to be  issued to HeadMasters/Teachers who have completed 5/8 years of service and who do not attend
Para No. 2 (B) (13) (b) Para No.
2 (B) (13) (b) of the said G.O. is deleted and serial order to be continued.
10. Para No.5 of the said G.O. reads as;

-The Director of Municipal Administration, AP, Guntur shall take further necessary action in the matter and he is also instructed that the Regional Director           of           Municipal Administrations concerned to follow the  above  guidelines during the transfers counselling very scrupulously  within  time limit as stipulated vide G.O.in the
reference 2nd read above
Para No.5 of the said G.O. is substituted as –

The Director of Municipal Administration, AP, Guntur shall  take further necessary action in the matter and he is also  instructed  that the Regional Director of Municipal                 Administrations concerned to follow the above guidelines during the transfers counselling very scrupulously within time limit.

4.The Director of Municipal Administration, AP, Guntur shall take further necessary action in the matter accordingly and the entire process of transfers on request within the district as per service rules shall be completed within 15 days immediately.



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