Kurnool -Celebration of Annual Day in all Primary and Upper Primary schools throughout the district - Release of an amount of Rs.20,33,0001-Orders.
of the Project Officer, AP, Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan, Kurnool
Present :: Sri. Y.Ramachandra Reddy, M. A. Ph.d.,
Present :: Sri. Y.Ramachandra Reddy, M. A. Ph.d.,
Rc.No:1299/Annual Day/A5-1/2017 DT:14 .12.2017
Sub:-AP.SSA, Kurnool — Celebration of
Annual Day in all Primary and Upper Primary schools throughout the district —
Release of an amount of Rs.20,33,0001- - Orders issued.
Ref:-1)Progs Rc.No.647/SSA/AP/A6/CMO/ 17,
dt:10.11.2017 of the State Project Director, APSSA, Amaravathi.
2)Note orders of the District Collector
& Chairman. APSSA, Kurnool, dt:13.12.2017
In the reference 1'` read above. the State
Project Director, APSSA. Amaravathi has decided to Celebrate Annual Day in all
Primary and Upper Primary schools throughout the State as per the unit cost as
shown below.
I )Primary Schools
a) below 100 children :Rs. 800/-
b) above 100 children :Rs. 1000/-
2)Upper Primary Schools
a) below 100 children :Rs. 1000/-
b) above 100 children :Rs. 1200/-
The State Project Director, APSSA,
Amaravathi has instructed to issue necessary instructions to all the Head
Masters in the District for the Celebration of Annual Day in all Primary and
Upper Primary schools and also released above mentioned amount to the schools concerned.
As per the Child info data from CSE website
as on 30.10.2017. The following are the details of no. of schools within the
enrollment mentioned above:
No. of schools with Below 100 children
enrollment - 1342
No. of schools with Above 100 children
enrollment - 871
As per the instructions of the State
Project Director. APSSA, Amaravathi the following are the details of
expenditure to be incurred towards the Celebration of Annual Day.
No. of schools
Amount per school
Total amount
Below 100 children
(Primary & Upper Primary schools)
(Primar.\-1167+U.P-l75) |
Primary @ Rs.800/- X1167=933600 Upper
Primary @Rs.1000 X 175=175000
Above 100 children
(Primary & Upper Primary schools)
(Primary-604+U.P-267) |
Primary @Rs.1000/- X 604=604000
Upper Primary @ Rs.1200/- X 267=320400
The Finance & Accounts Officer of this
office is requested to transfer an amount of Rs.20,33,000/-- (Rupees Twenty
lakhs and thirty three thousand only) to the above schools towards the
celebration of Annual Day for 2017-18 academic year as shown in the Annexure.
The expenditure is debitable from the
intervention of (24.3) of AWP & B 2017-18 of Community Mobilization/
Community Trainings
All School Management Committees (As per
End: Annexure
Copy to all Mandal Educational Officers
concerned for necessary action.
Copy to Financial Accounts Officer, AP.SSA,
Kurnool for information and to take necessary action.
Copy submitted to the State Project
Director, AP.SSA, Amaravathi for favour of kind information.
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