గ్రూప్-2 ప్రతిభ జాబితాను ఏపీపీఎస్సీ విడుదల చేసింది.
Result Notification for Certificate Verification to
Notification No. 18/2016 Group II Services (General Recruitment) (Published on
982 పోస్టులకు ఎగ్జిక్యూటివ్,
నాన్ ఎగ్జిక్యూటివ్ విభాగాల్లో
ప్రతిభ జాబితాను ఏపీపీఎస్సీ విడుదల చేసింది. ధ్రువపత్రాల పరిశీలనకు 1:2 అభ్యర్థుల జాబితాను ఏపీపీఎస్సీ ప్రకటించింది. 1925
మందిని ధ్రువపత్రాల పరిశీలనకు
ఏపీపీఎస్సీ ఎంపిక చేసింది.
It is hereby notified that on the basis of the merit in the
Main Examination held on 15/07/2017 AN and 16/07/2017 FN & AN and as per
the terms and conditions of the Notification of Group-II Services (both
Executive and Non-executive) vide Notification No. 18/2016 Dt. 08/11/2016, the
candidates with the following Registered Numbers are provisionally admitted for
Verification of Original Certificates from 03/01/2018 to 20/01/2018, subject to
fulfilment of the conditions regarding eligibility. The venue for verification
will be communicated soon. The Candidates are picked up for verification in 1:2
ratio considering category wise merit and the Post Code preferences exercised
by them. If required candidates do not turn up for verification in any category,
next eligible candidates will be called for verification. The result copy can
also be seen in the Commission’s Notice Board.
The candidates provisionally admitted for verification of
certificates are required to produce the Original Certificates relating to Age
(SSC), Proof of Age relaxation, Qualification, Study certificate, Integrated
Community Certificate in case of reserved candidates, Certificate of exclusion
from Creamy Layer in case of BCs (Issued by Revenue Authorities in terms of G.
O. Ms. No. 3, Backward Classes Welfare (C-2) Department , Dt. 04/04/2006 read
with G. O. Ms. No. 26, BC Welfare (C) Department Dt. 09/12/2013), PH
Certificate in case of disabled candidates, Ex-Service Men Certificate for
claiming Ex-Service Men posts, Migration Certificate for candidates who
migrated from Telangana to Andhra Pradesh State etc., at the time of
verification of certificates with reference to the particulars furnished by
him/ her in the online application form, failing which, they will not be
treated as eligible. The Candidate will be disqualified at any stage in the
process of selection. The Commission has the Right to disqualify any candidate,
if he/ she is not eligible for any reason. The candidates are directed to
download the Call Letter (memo), Check Lists (2), Attestation Forms(2) and
other relevant formats from the Commission’s Website www.psc.ap.gov.in . Marks
list of all the candidates who appeared examination is available in Commissions
website. Individual Memos will be sent to the candidates in due course. Even if
memo is not received through post, the concerned candidate can download the
memo and approach the verification with relevant certificates and check lists.
If any relevant certificates are not produced, the candidature of the candidate
would not be considered for selection and further time would not be granted.
The candidates who opted for Post Code Nos 9,10,11,12 and 17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30,31
and 32 only shall have to qualify the Computer Test conducted by APPSC in due
course of time ie Proficiency in Office Automation with usage of Computers and
Associated Software to consider their candidatures for the said Post Codes in
the selection process. The date and time of the test will be communicated soon.
There is no Proficiency Test for Post Code Nos
01,02,03,04,05,06,07,08,13,14,15,16,33 and 34.
All the candidates
picked up under PH category have to undergo Medical Examination at respective
Medical Boards at Visakhapatnam. The date of Medical Examination would be
communicated to the respective Candidates soon. Also those who opted Post Code
No. 08 will have to bring Physical Fitness Certificate from the Competent
Authority for Verification
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