Friday, October 27, 2017

Online Collection of Employees’ data through Web-based application for implementation of Comprehensive Financial Management System (CFMS) – Orders

Online Collection of Employees’ data through Web-based application for implementation of Comprehensive Financial Management System (CFMS) – Orders.

G.O.Rt.No.2067                                                                                                         Dated: 26-10-2017


The Government of Andhra Pradesh is in the process of operationalizing Comprehensive Financial Management System (CFMS) on SAP platform. Finance Department has entered into a services agreement for this implementation of CFMS with SAP India Pvt. Ltd., who are working as a Systems Integrator for the project.
2. Comprehensive Financial Management System (CFMS), which when fullyimplemented, will facilitate real time management of public finances and the HRmanagement in the state and usher in automation of all processes like preparation ofbudget; release of funds; distribution of funds to the DDOs; incurring of expenditure;preparation and submission of bills by the DDOs; processing/audit of bills by theTreasuries; payment processes; collection of receipts (online/manual); preparation ofaccounts; maintenance of PD accounts; processing of leaves; management of HR events;maintenance of eService Book; maintenance of electronic data; etc.
3. Andhra Pradesh Centre for Financial Systems and Services (APCFSS), aCorporation under the Finance Department, is given the mandate to monitor thedevelopment, deployment and maintenance of the CFMS program and its related activities.As part of this, the Centre is responsible for process changes, data collection, training andchange management activities related to the effective implementation of CFMS.
4. HRMS module of the CFMS program, is a critical component for the smoothoperation of the SAP application. As part of this, establishing the state-wide structure of allthe offices, identifying the cade strength of the each of these offices, defining the positionsin the offices, identifying employees in the positions, identifying vacant positions,maintenance of office hierarchy and also the related hierarchies is an importantrequirement for the CFMS program. This HRMS module will automate all processesrelating to the entire gamut of monetary and non-monetary entitlements of the employees;assessment of vacancies; recruitment authorization; preparation of panels for promotion;issues relating to pay fixations; revisions of Pay Scales; maintenance of electronic ServiceRegisters; generation of Pay Rolls; timely payment of retirement benefits; sanction of leave;timely release of increments, etc.
5. Towards this, the Government has decided to collect the essential data in a missionmode through an online web-based application hosted on the Finance Department Portal. It hasbeen decided to collect the data directly from all the offices to obviate delay in the matter.The data proposed to be collected now will help to build the organization structure of theentire Government and also to define the workflow within and without various functionalunits and linkages with the Treasuries/ PAOs etc. in order to ensure seamless work-flowand transfer of data and creation of a single source of truth.

6. In addition to the data of regular Government Employees, Government has decidedto also collect the data relating to the grant-in-aid employees, ad-hoc personnel, honoraryworkers, work-charged staff, contingent employees, contract personnel, personnel hired onoutsourcing basis through contractors, and all other miscellaneous functionaries who aredirectly or indirectly providing services to the government, in order to have acomprehensive database of all the human resources of the State, as this information isrequired for various analyses and for furnishing reports to the Finance Commission,C&AG, Legislative Assembly and Legislative Council and Parliament from time to timeand to enable the government to formulate evidence-informed policy for efficientmanagement of its human resources. Another important function that this data will enableis provisioning of systems and user access.
7. In this context, the Government hereby direct all the Heads of Departments andHeads of Offices of every unit/office (like an Engineering Office, Panchayat, Municipality,Elementary School, High School, Welfare Hostel, DHMO Office, Sub-Registrar Office,Sub-Treasury Office, Mandal Revenue Office, ZP CEO Office, Collector Office, Office ofDirector of Municipal Administration, Office of the Superintendent of Police at a DistrictLevel, Primary Health Care Center, Police Station etc.) in the state to furnish the datarelating to all employees mentioned above through the web-based application by loggingin to the Finance Department portal at “” using the log-inID/password (to be communicated to them separately). While doing so they also have toidentify their level (like Hamlet/Village/Mandal/District/Regional/Zonal/State etc.).Detailed instructions are given in the annexure to this order. The relevant forms and theUser Manual are also available in the website mentioned above. The helpline numbers arealso indicated in the above mentioned website for the benefit of officers and employees.
8. The Application has three parts. The Part –I relates to metadata of the unit and theorganizational hierarchy; Part –II relates to designations, posts, employee positions andthe details of other categories of personnel engaged in the unit; and Part-III relates tomapping of services rendered by the department to the relevant heads of account forappropriate classification of the transactions. Part I and II relate to all offices/subordinateoffices of the Government whereas the Part III has to be filled only by the Heads of theDepartment and is, therefore, not available to the Subordinate offices.
9. While the above application has already been released and many of the heads ofdepartments and their offices/subordinate offices have already started to enter the date, theprogress has been identified as not satisfactory. All the data has to be submitted by all theoffices/subordinate offices of the Government on or before November 10th, 2017. All theheads of the Department and the heads of offices shall ensure that the required data-formsare filled in accurately and submit on or before this date, failing which the Novemberpayroll of the respective offices that have not completed the task will be impacted as thisdata shall be the source for the same.
10. The Administrative Departments and the Heads of the Department shall issuenecessary instructions to the subordinate offices under their control to complete the dataentry within the stipulated time. Heads of all Departments (HoDs) shall nominate a seniorofficer preferably the second in command to personally coordinate, supervise and monitorthe entire data collection and data entry processes closely and ensure that correct data isentered and submitted as per the time schedule. In addition, the departments must identifya CFMS Nodal Officer for their department who will be responsible to liaise for all mattersrelating to the CFMS implementation and participate and support the program. These officers may be advised to liaise with identified Data Management Team of CFMSUnit, APCFSS, Ibrahimpatnam for any assistance in the matter. The names of theseofficers shall be communicated to the Chief Technology Officer, Finance Department forinformation and going forward coordination.
11. The District Collectors are requested to convene a meeting of the unit officers of allthe departments in the district and review the progress and issue necessary instructions fortimely completion of this required data entry on a mission mode.
12. The Director of Treasuries and Accounts (DTA), the Pay and Accounts Officer(PAO), and the Director of Work Accounts shall instruct their staff to liaise with theconcerned departmental heads at the state, district, mandal and field levels to providenecessary logistic and operational support. They shall be instructed to furnish copies of thisorder to all the heads of office in their purview through the DDOs concerned underacknowledgment. They are instructed to liaise with the Data Management Team of CFMSUnit, APCFSS, Ibrahimpatnam. Additionally, they are required to provide a daily updateon the progress to the Special Chief Secretary (FAC), Finance Department and ensure thatthis task is completed on a mission mode.

                                                          (BY ORDER IN THE NAME OF THE GOVERNOR OF ANDHRA PRADESH)
                                                                                                DINESH KUMAR
                                                                       CHIEF SECRETARY TO THE GOVERNMENT



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